Prof. Dr. Cornelia Zehbold

Allgemeine Informationen rund um die Kurse von Prof. Dr. C. Zehbold

Der Kursraum dient der Information und Betreuung von Bachelor- & Masterstudierenden bei Prof. Dr. Cornelia Zehbold. Derzeit betreue ich primär Abschlussarbeiten in folgenden Themenfeldern (Arbeitstitel):

  1. Design Thinking
  2. Prozessmanagement (Tools, neuere Entwicklungen, ....)
  3. Bereich „Datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle"
  4. Bereich «Digitale Plattformen und Ökosysteme»

The module “Business Information Systems” provides students with contents and challenges of Business Informatics and gives insights into current developments in business practice.

Learning goals: Students

  • can assess contents, objectives, and challenges of information systems in the business world (focus is on the design, implementation, management, and control of information and communication technology [ICT] as well as on the management of interfaces between systems and companies)
  • are able to distinguish between different types of information and communication systems,
  • earn in-depth knowledge about requirements for the effective and efficient use of ICT as well as about the importance of information systems for company success in the context of the increasing digitalization of the economy and society,
  • are able to solve business problems in the field of information systems by applying systematic approaches and by identifying alternative solutions in teams.

Dieser Kurs wird als Blended Learning Kurs angeboten.

Weitere Kurse

Der Moodle Raum ist die Plattform für mehrere Kurse von Prof. Axmann
The Moodle room is the platform for several courses by Prof. Axmann

- Bachelor Digitale Fabrik
- Bachelor Wahlfach Basics Digital Factory
- IAW WD-M Digital Factory & Digital Engineering
- IAW Bachelor Digital Factory
- M-APE Group Project
- M-APE Scientific Work
- M-WI Digital Factory

- Bachelor Arbeit - Bachelor Thesis
- Master Arbeit - Master Thesis