Allgemeine Informationen rund um die Kurse von Dr. G. Schönhofer
- Dozent/in: Gerhard Schönhofer
· Grundlegende Ausgestaltung eines zielgruppenorientierten Nudging Konzeptes für KMUs
· Erstellung einer interaktiven Website mit anwenderorientierten Tools zur strategischen Vorausschau/Corporate Foresight
· Erarbeitung von Integrations- und Anknüpfungspunkten von KI/OpenAI-Tools
· Regionalentwicklung und Wissenstransfer als Gegenstand von UX-Design
· Aufsetzen eines Projektlaufplans mit Meilensteinen
· Ideenfindung in der Gruppe
· Umsetzung anhand selbstgewählter Projekte in Teams (flexible Gruppengröße, ca. 2er-4er
· Teams) unter Anwendung der gelernten theoretischen Basis
In mehreren interaktiven Website-Prototypen soll am Ende des Semesters das Konzept erlebbar und bewertbar gemacht werden- Dozent/in: Gerhard Schönhofer
- Mitdozierende/r: Alexander Altmaier
Weitere Kurse
- Dozent/in: Gerhard Schönhofer
- Dozent/in: Theresa Schropp
- Dozent/in: Jan Oliver Schwarz
- Dozent/in: Stefanie Wrobel
In times of fake news and misinformation it is even more important to discuss and understand the role of science. Anybody can make statements and it sometimes is hard to proof someone right or wrong. Hence knowing about and conducting (responsible) scientific research is vital not only within the academic field, but also relevant for every day life.
In this course we will cover aspects along the scientific research process, beginning with research ethics and finishing with scientific writing and presenting. Which is going to be the outcome the course: scientific posters and a scientific papers. How to find a research gap and question as well as why this is important will be discussed in this course. We will continue with topics such as research strategies, tools and scientific writing to accompany you trough out the steps in the process. For conducting your own research it is important to choose a method that fits your research question. Therefore some sessions are dedicated to (choice of) methods.
The course is interactive and will require the preparation of additional small tasks in between sessions. Active participation is expected and required to guarantee the best learning experience.
- Dozent/in: Laura Bechthold
- Dozent/in: Katharina Kleine
- Dozent/in: Christina Moser
- Mitdozierende/r: Beatrice Baldarelli
- Mitdozierende/r: Gerhard Schönhofer