Prof. Patrick Weiss

Allgemeine Informationen rund um die Kurse von Prof. P. Weiss

Alle Informationen und Unterlagen zum Schwerpunkt Digital Marketing bei Prof. Weiss.

Weitere Kurse

Dieser Kurs stellt verschiedene Aspekte des Entrepreneurship vor. Wir lernen dabei...

...über Entrepreneurship: Was ist Entrepreneurship?

...durch Entrepreneurship: Wie kann ich persönlich bestmöglich in einem unternehmerischen Umfeld agieren?

...für Entrepreneurship: Ist Entrepreneurship eine Karriereoption für mich?

Dear Students,

this is the moodle course room for the marketing course in the basic study (Grundstudium).


13.15 - 16.25 in G117

Please get the book (see Agenda with bibliography) and also read the first chapter.

Thank you so much for your understanding.

The course is based on the well known Marketing standard book from Philip Kotler and Kevin Keller, Marketing-Management, New Jersey 2017, 14th edition. This course is held in English! But don’t be afraid, you will never have such a good chance to practice your English without being punished ;-)))

Through your studies on the basis of this standard work book you will learn the basic principles of Marketing and practice the relevant English terms that are used in daily business as well.

There is a script that is offered via this Moodle page for both parts, one from Prof. Raab, another from Prof Decker. But: Learning the script by heart will not be sufficient. In class we will do a lot of interactive parts and cases. So you need to be able to use your knowledge and make a transfer or solve small cases by yourself.

In times of fake news and misinformation it is even more important to discuss and understand the role of science. Anybody can make statements and it sometimes is hard to proof someone right or wrong. Hence knowing about and conducting (responsible) scientific research is vital not only within the academic field, but also relevant for every day life.

In this course we will cover aspects along the scientific research process, beginning with research ethics and finishing with scientific writing and presenting. Which is going to be the outcome the course: scientific posters and a scientific papers. How to find a research gap and question as well as why this is important will be discussed in this course. We will continue with topics such as research strategies, tools and scientific writing to accompany you trough out the steps in the process. For conducting your own research it is important to choose a method that fits your research question. Therefore some sessions are dedicated to (choice of) methods.

The course is interactive and will require the preparation of additional small tasks in between sessions. Active participation is expected and required to guarantee the best learning experience. 

Herzlich Willkommen im Kursraum zu Social-Media-Marketing,

Das Kurs basiert auf dem praxisorientierten Lehrbuch "Der Social-Media-Zyklus", der zehn Schritte rund um den systematischen Aufbau einer Social-Media-Strategie und deren Umetzung beschreibt. 

In diesem Semester haben wir fünf Real-Cases, auf die sich die wesentlichen Praxisanwendungen beziehen werden. Unsere fünf Praxispartner sind: 

Umfang: 4 SWS / 5 ECTS / 125 Arbeitsstunden netto

Ich wünsche Ihnen eine spannende Veranstaltung und viel Erfolg.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Decker


Der Kurs findet im SS 2024 regulär immer mittwochs von 13.15-16.25 Uhr in G101 statt. Aber es gibt Abweichungen von diesem Plan. Bitte entnehmen Sie das dem Studenplan.