Prof. Dr. Florian Huber

This is my personal Moodle room. You will find an up-to-date version of my teaching philosophy, general reading list, and tips for your student research projects here.

Der Kurs bietet einen ganzheitlichen Überblick über die Kernelemente und unterschiedlichen Perspektiven der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Die erlernten theoretischen Inhalte werden in ausgewählten Beispielen, Übungen und Fallstudien in die Praxis übertragen und kritisch reflektiert.

This study major aims to develop a deep understanding of current theories and practices in business model innovation. In this course, the emphasis will be put on how digital technologies enable new configuations of contemporary business models.

Dieser Kurs stellt verschiedene Aspekte des Entrepreneurship vor. Wir lernen dabei...

...über Entrepreneurship: Was ist Entrepreneurship?

...durch Entrepreneurship: Wie kann ich persönlich bestmöglich in einem unternehmerischen Umfeld agieren?

...für Entrepreneurship: Ist Entrepreneurship eine Karriereoption für mich?

This course introduces students to tools, trends, and current developments regarding digital technologies and the corresponding business models.

The goal of this course is to develop an understanding of prominent contemporary themes in entrepreneurship. This will provide a common ground for several other courses in the Entrepreneurship and Digital Business master’s program.

This is the course room for all Entrepreneurship Project modules of the M.Sc. in Entrepreneurship and Digital Business. These experiential learning courses challenge students to explore and develop a variety of critical skills as well as domain knowledge relevant to entrepreneurship.

In this course, three main themes will be covered. First, we will explore the core concepts and practices of the Lean Startup methodology as the theoretical foundation for this course. Second, we will dive deeper into all aspects of how a Lean Analytics approach can be used to make better strategic decisions while building a new venture. Third, we will expand our toolkit by studying different pretotyping and prototyping strategies that allow us to design effective experiments.

Weitere Kurse

Turnus: Sommersemester

Studiengang: Digital Business (B.A.)

Kurssprache: Englisch

Course Overview Part I "Entrepreneurial Finance" starting on 26th March 2024

•Tuesday, 08:15 – 11:25h
•Room G103