Prof. Thomas Siegel

Tom Siegel (*1972), Diplom Industriedesigner, war über 20 Jahre in der Forschung & Vorentwicklung der Mercedes-Benz AG aktiv und erarbeitete zuletzt Trends und Zukunftsstudien für den Mercedes-Benz Pkw Bereich. Im Nebenberuf bietet Tom Siegel als Geschäftsführer von 08sechzehn interaktive Trainings rund um die Themen Kreativität und Innovation.

Er entwickelte die „Reise ins Land der Ideen“: Eine Landkarte im Kreativ-Prozess für unterschiedliche Themen und Teilnehmer als Orientierung beim kreativen Arbeiten.

Portfolio & Co.
3. Semester TD

Design project 1st Term
Master Design Leadership

Design project 2nd Term
Master Design Leadership

1. Semester TD

2. Semester TD

Nachhaltiges Projekt
3. Semester TD

4. Semester TD

Teilmodul Zukunfts- und Trendforschung
4. Semester TD

Weitere Kurse

In times of fake news and misinformation it is even more important to discuss and understand the role of science. Anybody can make statements and it sometimes is hard to proof someone right or wrong. Hence knowing about and conducting (responsible) scientific research is vital not only within the academic field, but also relevant for every day life.

In this course we will cover aspects along the scientific research process, beginning with research ethics and finishing with scientific writing and presenting. Which is going to be the outcome the course: scientific posters and a scientific papers. How to find a research gap and question as well as why this is important will be discussed in this course. We will continue with topics such as research strategies, tools and scientific writing to accompany you trough out the steps in the process. For conducting your own research it is important to choose a method that fits your research question. Therefore some sessions are dedicated to (choice of) methods.

The course is interactive and will require the preparation of additional small tasks in between sessions. Active participation is expected and required to guarantee the best learning experience.