Prof. Dr. Stefanie Wrobel

Weitere Kurse

Der Moodle Raum ist die Plattform für mehrere Kurse von Prof. Axmann
The Moodle room is the platform for several courses by Prof. Axmann

- Bachelor Digitale Fabrik
- Bachelor Wahlfach Basics Digital Factory
- TCW WD-M Digital Factory & Digital Engineering
- TCW Bachelor Digital Factory
- M-APE Group Project
- M-APE Scientific Work
- M-WI Digital Factory

- Bachelor Arbeit - Bachelor Thesis
- Master Arbeit - Master Thesis

“The social consequences of a technology cannot be predicted early in the life of the technology. [...] By the time undesirable consequences are discovered, however, the technology is often so much part of the whole economics and social fabric that its control is extremely difficult.” (David Collingridge)

The development and use of new technologies is not only a matter of what is technically feasible, but also of what is socially desirable. Today, managers and engineers alike have to face complex issues which do not only ask "What can be done?" but rather "What should be done?".  This course deals with the complexities and controversies regarding emerging technologies from a social science perspective. Therefore, we will look into business and technology ethics as well as corporate compliance, before exploring different methods of technology assessment. You will learn (and practice) how to discuss controversial emerging technologies from different perspectives and how to develop sound arguments about what is ethically acceptable or not. 

The course is highly interactive and the curriculum is complemented by workshops, case studies, in-class debates and guest lectures. Active participation is expected and attending the course will require the preparation of pre-readings and other smaller tasks. 

Everybody is talking about the need for transformation and change these days. Societies have to transform towards more sustainable ways of living, organisations need to revise their structures, business models are getting disrupted by new technologies, and so forth.

But how do transformation processes actually happen and is there a way to  orchestrate and steer them? 

These are the main questions of this course. In the first part, you will learn fundamentals of systems thinking as the cognitive tool to approach transformation processes. Based on that, we will first look into larger transformation processes of entire societies before we move to the organisational level. This part is complemented with an in-class simulation game in which you will simulate and experience a change processes yourself. 

The course is highly interactive and will require the preparation of pre-readings and additional small tasks. Active participation is expected and required to guarantee the best learning experience.