Allgemeine Informationen rund um die Kurse von Prof. Dr. A. Baur
- Dozent/in: Alexander Baur
Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications have now become embedded in most commercial sectors. Applications range from support functions (e.g. text recognition) to standalone products (e.g. autonomous driving).
The course will focus on two main areas: First, the understanding of the application of AI from an economic perspective, and second, from a technical perspective.
In the economic part, students get to know different companies and learn how Artificial Intelligence affects their business model. In the technical part of the course, the aim is to gain an understanding of how the algorithms of artificial intelligence work. Students learn what problems can potentially be addressed using artificial intelligence and where to look for pitfalls.
- Dozent/in: Alexander Baur
- Mitdozierende/r: Lisa Urban
- Was ist KI?
- Wie lernen Maschinen?
- Wie kann man KI Use Cases im Unternehmen identifizieren?
- Welche Voraussetzungen sind für die Umsetzung von KI-Anwendungen im Unternehmen notwendig?
- Welche neuen Fähigkeiten bringt Machine Learning?
- Welchen Einfluss hat KI auf die Megatrends unserer Zeit?
- Welche Risiken und Grenzen gibt es in der Anwendung?
- Wie können aus Prognosen operative Entscheidungen abgeleitet werden?
- Dozent/in: Alexander Baur
- Dozent/in: SiZhong Hu
- Dozent/in: Lisa Urban
Weitere Kurse
- Dozent/in: Alexander Baur
- Dozent/in: Tamara Beschler
- Dozent/in: SiZhong Hu
- Dozent/in: Lisa Urban
- Dozent/in: Harry Wagner
- Dozent/in: Alexander Baur
- Dozent/in: Harry Wagner
- Dozent/in: Alexander Baur
- Dozent/in: Thomas Becker
- Dozent/in: Lisa Urban